Hereford Dairy Beef Update
Hereford Update
Dovea Genetics Hereford Sires Update
Dovea Genetics have added to their lineup of Hereford sires for dairy beef breeding in 2022. Along with the proven sires available from Dovea, there has been 3 new additions to the Hereford team. Dovea Genetics have been working with Irish Hereford Prime on their Beef Sustainability Programme to source the new sires with some of the leading genetics available.
In terms of proven Hereford sires, Conmelvin Ollie (HE4105) continues to be a farmer favourite this year. Easy Calving and producing excellent quality calves, he is the doing exactly what dairy farmers require. Olllie’s progeny are also performing well in finishing systems with HE4105 progeny being the top performers in the Irish Farmers Journal “THRIVE” demo farm.
The first new Hereford sire available from Dovea Genetics is Timolinpoll 1 Hercules (HE73474). Hercules has a huge Dairy Beef Index (DBI) of €85, made up of his predicted exceptional calving ease of 2.5% on dairy cows and a carcass weight of +12.5 Kgs. He is also a trait leader in gestation length and is predicted to be an exceptional dairy beef sire.
Another new sire with an exceptionally high DBI of €78 is Skehanore Fruitful (HE7545). Fruitful is only 3% calving difficulty on dairy cows and is a trait leader in carcass weight (+12 Kgs), gestation and DBI. The bull himself is exceptionally long with a good wide top and average bone so we are expecting very nice calves from Fruitful.
The third new Hereford sire, also purchased is association with Irish Hereford Prime for their Beef Sustainability Programme is HE7548, Corlismore Cormac. Cormac displays all the great attributes associated with the Hereford breed. Similar to the old farmer favourite bull “GGM”, Cormac is a well-made bull with length, exceptional width and is full of traditional breed character. He is predicted to breed good thick, square calves that will be demand a premium price for their quality.